Helminths infection of wild rodents in two regions of Iran

Document Type : Research articles


1 Hormozgan Provincial Office of Iran's Department of the Environment, Bandar abbas, Iran.

2 Laboratory of Hormozgan Veterinary Head Office, Bandar Abbas, Iran.

3 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Urmia University

4 Department of Parasitology, Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, Iran.

5 National Reference laboratory for Plague, Tularemia and Q fever, Research Centre for Emerging and Reemerging infectious diseases, Pasteur Institute of Iran, Akanlu, Kabudar Ahang, Hamadan, Iran.

6 yazd,Ardakan, Iran


Rodents play an important role in the transmission of parasitic diseases to humans and pets. This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of helminth infections in rodents of three Provinces of Iran. A total of 92 rodents were live-trapped from the Provinces Hamadan (n=64), Golestan (n=9), and Mazandaran (n=19). The animals were humanely euthanized, and their intestinal tracts were removed and examined for helminth infections. The rodents belonged to six genera and 12 species Apodemus hyrcanus, Apodemus uralensis, Meriones libycus, Meriones persicus, Meriones tristrami,Meriones vinogradovi, Microtus paradoxus, Microtus qazvinensis, Mus musculus, Nesokia indica, Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus. The overall prevalence of helminth infection was 59.78%. Nine nematode species were identified: Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, Trichostrongylidae sp., Heligmosomoides polygyrus, Heligmonoides taiwanensis, Syphacia sp., Aspiculuris tetraptera, Heterakis spumosa, Mastophorus spp., and Trichuris spp. Additionally, two cestode species, Hymenolepis nana and Hymenolepis diminuta, Mesocestoides larvae were identified. Heligmonoides taiwanensis isolated from Meriones vinogradovi is reported here for the first time from Iran. We identified three zoonotic helminth namely H. nana, H. diminuta, and Syphacia sp. in the examined rodents, and M. persicus is an efficient reservoir and spreader of eggs of these species. The findings of this study can provide insights into future-comprehensive programs regarding control strategies of these parasites.


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